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Writer's pictureamy liggett

When Energy Speaks: A Spinal Flow + Reiki Session Experience

In my practice, every session holds the potential for the unexpected, a recent experience took my client and I on a unique journey, with some spookiness sprinkled in.

It began like any other Spinal Flow practice session— an assessment of posture and palpation of spine, some discussion of what is currently felt in the body, a soothing playlist coming through my Wi-Fi/Bluetooth speaker under the table. However, near the end of the session, something unusual occurred.

As I worked on releasing dense energy from the back of my client’s heart, using an access point common in Spinal Flow technique, I felt the need to add a reiki technique to clear the heaviness. As my client emptied her lungs fully and I cleared the dense energy with my hands, a not so subtle shift occurred in the room. The music that had been gently filling the space began to slow down( like when you dial down the speed on a record player). What was once a soft, melodic song now felt warped and unsettling, like the distorted soundtrack of a dream.

The track that was playing was a normally calm soundscape that I have had on my playlist for years. It is one of my favorites. The instrumentals evoke a sense of being underwater with distant whale song. Nope, not in this moment, and so as unnatural sound continued, it cast a strange aura over the space. Both my client and I exchanged "WTF'S?"

I paused the session and reached for my phone. Nothing seemed visibly wrong with the wifi, the music app, the battery or the playlist. As the slowed sounds continued. I dropped to my knees and picked up the small bluetooth speaker that had been placed under the table.

This is when the words I spoke didn't seem to be mine but spoken through me. "Something old just released" and for an instant, it felt as if something otherworldly was happening. My client at that point was sitting up, asking what was going on and was I okay? I was ok, slightly rattled, and had no answer other than what I had just said. "Something old just moved out". She repeated the words back to me. We breathed in a bit of peppermint oil and I reminded myself aloud that this is a place of healing, we are safe here.

A while later on a walk with my dog, running through several possibilities: low batteries, a technical glitch, maybe this, maybe occurred to me that the cause of the disturbance was energy. More specifically, the particularly heavy, stagnant energy that had been stored in the back of my client’s heart had started to release from her Biofield. As it did so, the electromagnetic frequency and the music being transmitted was affected.

My fabulous Reiki teacher, Judi Theis used to say often "There are no coincidences".

The speaker placed under the heart space beneath the table, no coincidence.

The fact that my client is of Lebanese decent and her country is at war, no coincidence.

Our discussion during our posture assessment about old emotional wounds being stored in the center gateway, even on the level of ancestral wounds, no coincidence.

What a validating experience, looking at it now!!!

To witness the direct impact of dense energy changing the frequency of the sound waves over a wifi device, reminds me how powerful energy shifts can be. The sounds weren’t from some dark force but were simply dense energy making its presence known through the shift in EMF as it released from the Biofield and further through the speaker.

Using tuning forks to sweep my clients field, after the experience, the harmonic resonance weaved a pleasing vibration, a Celtic pattern of figure eights (a Donna Eden Energy Medicine technique), that calmed and soothed us both. We both focused on connecting back to the earth, grounded and concluded the session.

The day served as a powerful reminder of how interconnected everything is: our bodies, the energy we hold, the spaces we inhabit, and the frequencies around us.

October 3,2024

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